Official SportNet Program

SportNet in Utsunomiya

Thanks to the cooperation with Global Kids method, which has been organizing after-school daycare service in Utsunomiya, we have been able to host a regular SportNet Program in Utsunomiya – as the pilot program since October 2020. Every Saturday, around Utsunomiya city, children who have been participating in the after-school daycare service and who live near the school (those who applied to the Program through open recruitment) engage in our Program together. As children with different abilities play games together, they can deepen mutual understanding and the five values we focus on.

SportNet in CLARK Memorial International High School

Under the support from the CLARK Memorial International High School, we decided to carry out the SportNet Program for high school students. In 2020, approximately 26 junior and senior students from Yokohama Campus of CLARK Memorial International High School – who are in the Global Sport course, participated in this program to conduct a total of six sessions. They had already been planning and carrying out their inclusive program, “Online sports festival for everyone,” voluntarily. We hope that experiences from our Program will be utilized in their future activities. Through SportNet program, we would like to continue to contribute to the development of young leaders who understand the importance of social inclusion and take actions for it.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding our Programs at the following: