We established our organization’s “Safeguarding Policy”
We are proud to announce that we have established our organization’s “Safeguarding Policy” in December 2020. S.C.P. Japan’s vision is to create a better future where everyone can be who they truly are. We strongly oppose to any forms of discrimination against different abilities, race, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, political opinion, national or social origin, background,birth or other status. We are committed to ensuring that basic human rights will be protected and respected at all times.
Unfortunately, there have been many cases of violence, abuse and harassment reported in the sporting environment, not only in Japan, but also abroad. The power imbalance between coaches and athletes or facilitators and participants, often contributes to this problem. It could go on for a long time without being noticed in a small and often closed sporting community, according to research findings. You may have heard of such incidents involving violence reported often in the Japanese media.
In recent years, it is highly recommended to have an appropriate organizational safeguarding policy in place, ranging from international sporting bodies such as International Olympic Committee (IOC) to smaller grassroot sporting groups. International Safeguards for Children in Sport set 8th of August as Safer Sport Day (#SaferSportDay), in order to promote the importance of ensuring a safe sporting environment and ensuring safety of those who participate.

As we aim to promote social inclusion through sports, we feel it is important to face this uncomfortable truth. We feel it is our responsibility to ensure that our programs provide a safe environment for all participants and prevent any forms of violence, abuse and harassment. This is the reason why we decided to draw up the “Safeguarding Policy”, “Code of Conduct” and “Handling Reports of Safeguarding”.
All members of S.C.P. Japan will follow these rules and are fully aware of the responsibility to protect children and other participants against any forms of harm. We will continue striving to achieve our vision of creating a safe and inclusive society using the power of sport.